Check out these other books by Honney Lavern Barner
Expect the Unexpected (review by AC)
Once I picked it up, I couldn’t put it down. Unfortunately, I had to sleep and go to work. What a book! Very captivating and suspenseful…the storyline grips you. You keep reading to find out what happens, and then the plot twists (again) and teases you to keep on reading. What is so nice about Behind the Door is that the basis of the story is familiar; we know it, but Honney Barner takes what we know and transforms it into a story that stretches the imagination. An easy, but captivating read, written so a person will feel as if he/she is experiencing the story. I agree with the other reader; I think Behind the Door would make a great movie.
Mr. Barner has produced a very thought provoking book … (review by W. Richardson)
Mr. Barner has produced a very thought provoking book. While a work of fiction? It gets one to thinking what if? What if things you believed in weren’t true or different than what you were taught. What if all you know was say a dream? This book is an item to get you to thinking, discussing and researching. Who knows it may even bring you closer to the word. Think about it.
Praise about Behind the Door
"Honney Lavern Barner's book chronicles an amazing spiritual journey not unlike his own. It is a powerful story told by a masterful storyteller, and has a number of applications to modern day life.
In this age of spiritual uncertainty, "Behind the Door" provides guidance for the believer and skeptic alike, and hope that there is indeed a higher power at work."
William Faucette
Praise about Behind the Door
"This book is absolutely amazing. You definitely need to read this book.
It is a BEST SELLER!!"
Amazon rated this book in May 2018 as
Best Sellers List
Most Gifted Book.
Praise about Behind the Door
"Honney Lavern Barner is a man who has walked a path of continual growth and self discovery, and as a result he continues to grow his impact on the world. From a career in the United States Armed Forces, to a successful entrepreneurial career to a successful speaking and training career and now to writing a powerful novel…he never stops going or growing!
Read this book and get ready to be uplifted and inspired!"
Dr. Willie Jolley
Praise about Behind the Door
"Honney Lavern Barner's new novel is very timely. The scenario is applicable to the times in which we live. It shows that the things we see unfolding in the world around us are captured in the scriptures.
It addresses the struggle that many are having with their faith and shows how we can live secure in the faith we espouse to. It also causes you to ask yourself the "What if" question concerning your faith. It puts your faith at center of your experience and relationship with the world or better yet the world system. The scripture says, broad is the way that leads to death but narrow is the path that leads to life and few there be that find it.
As you read Honney Lavern Barner's novel you will see all the trappings of the world. You will see, if one allows it, how easy one's faith in the natural can overcome one's faith in the supernatural God, You will find yourself asking yourself the "What if" question. And hopefully it will answer once and for all after you read this novel.
As you, read Honney Lavern Barner's book, I pray that you received what I received. Faith in your faith in God and your relationship with Him strengthened."
Victor Paul Eagleton
Praise about Behind the Door
"Honney Lavern Barner inspirational book "Behind the Door" will undoubtedly be the psychology book of the 21st Century. I found this book stimulating and thought-provoking; it's powerful reading.
This book contains the kind of penetrating truth about human nature that is usually found only in fiction, truly a book everyone should read."
Dr. Andrew Walker, ThD
Praise about Behind the Door
"This is a Master Piece! "Behind The Door" is the most thought provoking novel I have ever read. It reveals a whole new way of how we should view the world without God. A must-read for any political leader, business owner, or individual who impact people lives and desire to do the right thing. Honney Lavern Barner made it clear that we need God.
As you read this novel, you’ll see that he touches everyone we knows and everyone we don’t know. I am a friend and grateful to have been part of the Honney Lavern Barner's life journey that lead him to write this soon to be bestseller and movie."
Mike Nelson
Praise about Behind the Door
"Honney Lavern Barner brings Christian journey and Spiritual experience (down to earth).
Behind the Door is at once intriguing, insightful and inspirational. It challenges and acknowledges everyday struggles involving faith, family, fame, fortune and God-- all clashing!!
--- A must read for all Christians, particularly, the youth and young adults. This novel is a great gift to Self, families and youth groups."
Stella Ford
Praise about Behind the Door
"Honney Lavern Barner has brilliantly infused his childhood spiritual essence of Jesus Christ and shares his passion in a brilliant way through a riveting journey of choices which lead to an intense and tumultuous series of events.
You'll experience the emotional revolution of mountains and valleys as he takes you on a "once in a lifetime experience" with him. Phenomenal read!!"
Dr. Renee’ Allen
Praise about Behind the Door
"Honney Lavern Barner’s "Behind the Door" captured my attention from the beginning to the end. This novel is written as a fiction but the characters and events are masterfully and brilliantly woven into the very essence of our modern society. His storytelling ability will cause you to remember when you were in that place and depended on God to bring you out.
This is a must read for everyone who believes in God and for everyone who is still searching. This is a masterpiece and should be shared around the world."
Lavern Chatman
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