I Am Amazing Grace



Check out these other books by Honney Lavern Barner

Behind the Door II
Behind The Door
Let's Be Honest About MLM

Expect the Unexpected (review by AC) Five Stars
Once I picked it up, I couldn’t put it down. Unfortunately, I had to sleep and go to work. What a book! Very captivating and suspenseful…the storyline grips you. You keep reading to find out what happens, and then the plot twists (again) and teases you to keep on reading. What is so nice about Behind the Door is that the basis of the story is familiar; we know it, but Honney Barner takes what we know and transforms it into a story that stretches the imagination. An easy, but captivating read, written so a person will feel as if he/she is experiencing the story. I agree with the other reader; I think Behind the Door would make a great movie.

Mr. Barner has produced a very thought provoking book … (review by W. Richardson) Five Stars
Mr. Barner has produced a very thought provoking book. While a work of fiction? It gets one to thinking what if? What if things you believed in weren’t true or different than what you were taught. What if all you know was say a dream? This book is an item to get you to thinking, discussing and researching. Who knows it may even bring you closer to the word. Think about it.

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Revelation Knowledge For Teens & Young Adults


I am Amazing Grace

The buk I am Amazing Grace||Revelation Knowledge is for Teens and Young Adults. I have heard that “It is impossible to know what you do not know”..

The buk “I am Amazing Grace” is a story about an eagle that was born in a chicken coop. He grew up believing that he was a chicken. Therefore, he ate chicken food, slept in a chicken coop, played with chickens and acted like a chicken. Until one day he came face to face with another eagle which gave him revelation knowledge about his true identity. Do your Teen or Young Adult know who they are in Christ Jesus?

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