Victor Paul Eagleton

Victor Paul Eagleton

Victor Paul Eagleton


Praise about Behind the Door

“Honney Lavern Barner’s new novel is very timely. The scenario is applicable to the times in which we live. It shows that the things we see unfolding in the world around us are captured in the scriptures.

It addresses the struggle that many are having with their faith and shows how we can live secure in the faith we espouse to. It also causes you to ask yourself the “What if” question concerning your faith. It puts your faith at center of your experience and relationship with the world or better yet the world system. The scripture says, broad is the way that leads to death but narrow is the path that leads to life and few there be that find it.

As you read Honney Lavern Barner’s novel you will see all the trappings of the world. You will see, if one allows it, how easy one’s faith in the natural can overcome one’s faith in the supernatural God, You will find yourself asking yourself the “What if” question. And hopefully it will answer once and for all after you read this novel.

As you, read Honney Lavern Barner’s book, I pray that you received what I received. Faith in your faith in God and your relationship with Him strengthened.”